24 Preludes for Piano(給鋼琴的 24 首前奏曲)
這24首前奏曲在不同時期完成,前12首譜寫於2017年,後12首則是2019年。我將此24首前奏曲獻給台灣鋼琴家廖培鈞,以展現她精湛的藝術性和音樂表現。前12首曲子比後12首稍微短小,亦要求精準的演奏技巧。這些曲子均兼具表現張力和如畫般的特質,尤其在具有明亮曲風的第3、5、9和12號,我特意將這兩種特質擺放在一起以凸顯其對比。2019年所創作的後12首長度較長,也帶有更多技巧,但同樣講究樂句的細緻處理和敏感度。這24首鋼琴前奏曲可依不同的演奏目的一次完整演奏或分別單獨演奏,例如在獨奏會、考試、或於音樂節的展演、比賽等場合演奏。(Philip Martin)
24 Preludes for Piano
These 24 Preludes were written at different times, the first twelve in 2017 and the later twelve in 2019. They are dedicated to the Taiwanese pianist, Pei-Chun Liao and they were written to demonstrate her fine artistry and musicianship. The first twelve pieces are slightly shorter than the second set but are no less demanding. There is a consistently expressive and picturesque quality to the music and I deliberately juxtapose these elements with the more brilliant numbers, as in no's 3,5,9, and 12. The 2019 pieces are longer and slightly more virtuosic at times but still demand just as much subtle phrasing and sensibility. They can all be played as a group or enjoyed singly for various purposes, for instance, recital, examination or competitive festivals etc.. (Philip Martin)