Hu, Chih-Long

台灣, 美國

胡志龍是活躍於國際樂壇的鋼琴家。臺灣大學土木系畢業後第一名考取臺北國立藝術大學音樂碩士班,就學期間榮獲臺北國家音樂廳樂壇新秀,臺北愛樂樂壇新秀及奇美藝術人才培訓獎得主,並獲選為海峽兩岸交流青年音樂家,在臺灣各地及北京音樂廳演出拉赫曼尼諾夫第二號鋼琴協奏曲。畢業後獲全額獎學金赴美國深造,以短短三年的時間取得美國密西根大學演奏博士學位,旋即獲聘於東田納西州立大學 (East Tennessee State University) ,今年秋天起,將任教於田納西大學 (The University of Tennessee),擔任 Sandra G. Powell 講座特聘教授。

胡志龍師承名鋼琴家陳泰成、陳宏寬與 Arthur Greene 教授,並屢次於國際大賽中獲獎,包括義大利摩諾波里國際鋼琴大賽,安道爾國際鋼琴大賽,美國密西根大學協奏曲比賽,日本高松國際鋼琴大賽與聖荷西國際鋼琴大賽。除了頻繁的鋼琴獨奏會外,亦經常應邀與國內外各大樂團與室內樂團合作演出,與其合作過的指揮家包括涂惠民、陳澄雄、陳樹熙、鄭立彬、Kodkani-Laemmli, Ann Krinitsky, Shunsaku Tsutsumi, Nicoletta Conti, Kenneth Kiesler, Nuvi Mehta, Anthony Quartuccio, Robert Seebacher.

胡志龍的演奏足跡遍及亞洲與歐美多國,其演奏錄音亦在各地電視及廣播電台播放。鋼琴演奏專輯「福爾摩沙隨想」與「拉赫曼尼諾夫音畫練習曲」由 Blue Griffin Recordings 在臺灣與美國發行,2009年獲臺灣唱片金曲獎最佳演奏者提名,並受到美國唱片指南 (American Record Guide) 與Fanfare雜誌的一致好評。最新演奏專輯「郭德堡變奏曲」將在近期發行。

胡志龍在聲樂伴奏與室內樂方面也有亮眼的表現,國內外演出頻繁。近年度合作的對象包括女高音Sun-Joo Oh, 鄭怡君,林孟君,傅上珍,男高音李文智,小提琴家曾耿元,五嶋龍 (Ryu Goto), Brian Lewis, Miroslav Hristov, 大提琴家 Lawrence Figg, 鋼琴家劉孟捷,黃楚芳,Esther Park, Ernest Barretta, 邁阿密弦樂四重奏,Trifecta Trio, The Applachia Piano Trio, Aloha Piano Quartet 等。

胡志龍致力於教學,胡志龍曾獲選為田納西州音樂教師協會的年度教師,並經常應邀至各地擔任比賽評委與講授大師班,其學生經常在州際與國際比賽中得獎,並被著名大學與音樂學院錄取,包括茱莉亞音樂學院,新英格蘭音樂學院,伊士曼音樂學院,密西根大學,印第安納大學,曼哈頓音樂學院,琵琶地音樂學院等。胡志龍目前也擔任加拿大聖安德魯斯國際鋼琴音樂節 (St. Andrews Piano Academy & Festival International) 與紐約國際鋼琴音樂節 (New York International Piano Festival) 的藝術總監。


A native of Taiwan, pianist Chih-Long Hu‘s performance career was launched after receiving honors including the Taipei National Concert Hall Arising Star, the Chi-Mei Artist Award, and prizes from the Mauro Monopoli International Piano Competition in Italy, the Concurs International De Piano D'Escaldes-Engordany in Andorra, the Takamatsu International Piano Competition in Japan, and the International Russian Music Piano Competition in San Jose, California.

An active performer, Hu performs extensively in Asia, Europe, and America appearing as a concerto soloist, recitalist, and chamber musician. His recent performance highlights include concerto performances of Rachamninov’s Paganini Rhapsody, Prokofiev’s Piano Concerto No. 3, Saint-Saëns Piano Concerto No. 2, solo and chamber recitals in China, Taiwan, Korea, Canada, and throughout the U.S. Hu’s performances have been broadcast in "Performance Today" through NPR stations across the country and televised in Taiwan, China and Japan. His CD albums "Formosa Caprices", “Complete Rachmaninov Etudes-Tableaux”, and “Trifecta Trio” have received critical acclaim. His recording of Bach Goldberg Variations will be released soon.

Named “Teacher of the Year” by the Tennessee Music Teachers Association, Dr. Hu is frequently invited to give lectures and master classes, as well as to judge international and national competitions. Hu is the Artistic Director of St. Andrews Piano Academy and Festival International (New Brunswick), as well as the New York International Piano Festival.

Hu holds a Doctorate of Musical Arts in piano performance from the University of Michigan, a Master's degree from Taipei National University of the Arts, and a Bachelor's degree in civil engineering from National Taiwan University. His piano teachers include Arthur Greene, Hung-Kuan Chen, and Tai-Cheng Chen. Dr. Hu has served on the faculty at East Tennessee State University, and will join the faculty at The University of Tennessee as Sandra G. Powell Endowed Chair Professor in fall 2016.





2016.12.27(二) 19:30 台中東海大學音樂廳 自由入場(協辦單位:東海大學音樂系)
2017.01.07(六) 19:30 花蓮縣演藝廳 索票入場
2017.01.14(六) 19:30 台北國家音樂廳演奏廳 票價:$800, $500, $300
2017.01.18(三) 19:30 台南大學雅音樓 票價:$300, $200
2017.01.20(五) 19:30 高雄市音樂館 票價:$500, $300
2017.01.21(六) 19:30 嘉義大學音樂館文薈廳 自由入場(協辦單位:國立嘉義大學音樂系,鋼琴音樂營)